SPI Best Paper Award

Every year, the Sociedade Portuguesa de Imunologia (SPI) bestows the SPI Paper Award to the best paper in the field of immunology published by a Portugal-based research team. The deadline for submission is the 28th February of the year after publication, printed or online, of the paper. The award is announced at the SPI Annual Meeting

Application rules:

  1. ) The first and the senior authors of the paper must be affiliated to a Portugal-based research institution;
  2. ) Only papers published (printed or online) between 1st January and 31st December of the previous year can apply;
  3. ) A PDF of the paper has to be submitted by email ( mail@spimunologia.org ) by the first author, accompanied by a cover letter with his/ her full contact details;
  4. ) The applicant has to be a member of the SPI;
  5. ) The deadline for submission is 28th FEBRUARY at 23:59 hours (GMT time);
  6. ) The certificate will be awarded to the first author (or shared by co-first authors) during the Annual Meeting of the SPI;
  7. ) The first author will be invited for a special presentation during the Annual Meeting of the SPI;
  8. ) All applications will be evaluated by a jury composed of foreign immunologists who are independent of the SPI;
  9. ) The decision of the jury is final.


Previous awardees:

Awarded at SPI Annual meeting 2024

Inês Alves, Beatriz Santos-Pereira, Noelia de la Cruz, Ana Campar, Vanda Pinto, Pedro M Rodrigues, Marco Araújo, Sofia Santos, Javier Ramos-Soriano, Carlos Vasconcelos, Roberto Silva, Nuno Afonso, Filipe Mira, Cristina C Barrias, Nuno L Alves, Javier Rojo, Lélita Santos, António Marinho, Salomé S Pinho.

Host-derived mannose glycans trigger a pathogenic γδ T cell/IL-17a axis in autoimmunity.

Sci Transl Med. 2023 Mar 15;15(687):eabo1930.


Awarded at SPI Annual meeting 2023

Gonçales RA, Bastos HN, Duarte-Oliveira C, Antunes D, Sokhatska O, Jacob M, Rolo R, Campos CF, Sasaki SD, Donato A, Mapelli SN, Costa S, Moura CS, Delgado L, Morais A, Torrado E, van de Veerdonk FL, Weichhart T, Lambris JD, Silvestre R, Garlanda C, Mantovani A, Cunha C, Carvalho A.

Pentraxin 3 Inhibits Complement-driven Macrophage Activation to Restrain Granuloma Formation in Sarcoidosis.

Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2022 Nov 1;206(9):1140-1152.


Pais TF, Ali H, Moreira da Silva J, Duarte N, Neres R, Chhatbar C, Acúrcio RC, Guedes RC, Strano Moraes MC, Costa-Silva B, Kalinke U, Penha-Gonçalves C.

Brain endothelial STING1 activation by Plasmodium-sequestered heme promotes cerebral malaria via type I IFN response.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 Sep 6;119(36):e2206327119.


Awarded at SPI Annual meeting 2022

Filipa Cardoso, Roel G J Klein Wolterink, Cristina Godinho-Silva, Rita G Domingues, Hélder Ribeiro, Joaquim Alves da Silva, Inês Mahú, Ana I Domingos, Henrique Veiga-Fernandes

Neuro-mesenchymal units control ILC2 and obesity via a brain-adipose circuit.

Nature. 2021 Sep;597(7876):410-414.