Philippe Pierre
1. PI name: Philippe Pierre
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: pierre@ciml.univ-mrs.fr
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Dendritic cell biology, IBiMed (Institute of Biomedicine), University of Aveiro
5. KEYWORDS: Cell biology of Immunity, Biochemical stress and Immunity, Autoimmunity, Dendritic Cells
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/en/F613-937A-4340
Catarina Almeida
1. PI name: Catarina Almeida
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: cra@ua.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Immune Cell Biology lab, iBiMED (Institute of Biomedicine), University of Aveiro
5. KEYWORDS: Cell Biology, Autoimmunity, Dendritic Cells, innate signaling
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://www.ua.pt/pt/ibimed/page/21084
Daniela Ribeiro
1. PI name: Daniela Ribeiro
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: daniela.ribeiro@ua.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Virus-Host Cell Interactions Lab, Institute of Biomedicine (iBiMED), University of Aveiro
5. KEYWORDS: Virology, Immunity to Infection, Antiviral Signalling, Intracellular organelles
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://www.dribeirolab.pt/
Agostinho Carvalho
1. PI name: Agostinho Carvalho
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: agostinhocarvalho@med.uminho.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Immunobiology of Inflammatory and Infectious Diseases, Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS), University of Minho
5. KEYWORDS: Immunity to infection; Fungal infection; Innate immunity; Functional genomics
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://icvs.uminho.pt/member/agostinho-carvalho/
Cristina Cunha
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: cristinacunha@med.uminho.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Immunobiology of Inflammatory and Infectious Diseases, Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS), University of Minho
5. KEYWORDS: Host-pathogen interaction; Fungal infection; Microbiota; Immunometabolism
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://icvs.uminho.pt/member/cristina-cunha/
Ricardo Silvestre
1. PI name: Ricardo Silvestre
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: ricardosilvestre@med.uminho.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Immunobiology of Inflammatory and Infectious Diseases, Life and health sciences research institute (ICVS), University of Minho
5. KEYWORDS: Immunity to Infection; Immunometabolism; Host- Pathogen interactions; Macrophages
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://icvs.uminho.pt/member/ricardo-silvestre/
Jorge Pedrosa
1. PI name: Jorge Pedrosa
2. Contact person (if not the PI): Alexandra Fraga
3. Contact e-mail: afraga@med.uminho.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Inflammation, Cell Signaling, and Therapeutics |Instituto de Investigação em Ciências da Vida e Saúde (ICVS), University of Minho
5. KEYWORDS: Immunology of Infection; Inflammation, Cell Signaling; Mycobacteria
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://icvs.uminho.pt/teams/inflammation-cell-signaling-and-therapeutics/
Egídio Torrado
1. PI name: Egídio Torrado
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: egidiotorrado@med.uminho.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Immunobiology of Inflammatory and Infectious Diseases, Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS), University of Minho
5. KEYWORDS: Host-pathogen interactions, Immunity to infection, Acquired immunity, Tuberculosis
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://icvs.uminho.pt/member/egidio-torrado/
Paulo Rodrigues-Santos
1. PI name: Paulo Rodrigues-Santos
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: paulo.santos@fmed.uc.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Immunology and Oncology Laboratory, Center for Neurosciences and Cell Biology (CNC), Center for Innovative Biomedicine and Biotechnology (CIBB); Institute of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine; University of Coimbra
5. KEYWORDS: Cancer immunology, Innate Immunity, Cancer immunotherapy, Immune monitoring
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://paulosantos.eu/
Filipe Pereira
1. PI name: Filipe Pereira
2. Contact person (if not the PI): Mariana Lopes
3. Contact e-mail: mariana_faria.lopes@med.lu.se
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Cell Reprogramming in Hematopoiesis and Immunity Lund Stem Cell Center, Lund University; CNC – Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology, University of Coimbra
5. KEYWORDS: Immunotherapy; Cell Reprogramming; Hematopoietic Stem Cell; Dendritic cell
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://pereiralab.com/
Manuela Ferreira
1. PI name: Manuela Ferreira
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: manuela.ferreira@cnc.uc.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Body Barrier Immunometabolism Lab – Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology/Center for Inovative Biomedicine and Biotechnology – University of Coimbra (CNC/CiBB – UC)
5. KEYWORDS: Early-life Immune System; Immune Sensing; Micronutrients; Innate-like T Cells; Immunity to infection
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://cnc.uc.pt/en/research-group/body-barrier-immunometabolism
Frederico Regateiro
1. PI name: Frederico Regateiro
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: regateiro@gmail.com
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Centre for Innovative Biomedicine and Biotechnology, University of Coimbra / Allergy and Clinical Immunology Department, Coimbra University Hospital
5. KEYWORDS: Allergy, Asthma, Primary Immunodeficiencies, Immuneregulation
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://cibb.uc.pt/en/people/f-regateiro
Ana Espada de Sousa
1. PI name: Ana Espada de Sousa, MD, PhD
2. Contact person (if not the PI): the PI
3. Contact e-mail: asousa@medicina.ulisboa.pt; ana.e.sousa@gimm.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Ana Espada de Sousa Lab / Human Immunodeficiency & Immune Reconstitution, Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine (GIMM)
5. KEYWORDS: Human Immunology, Thymus, T-cell development and homeostasis; HIV/HIV-2/AIDS; Primary Immunodeficiencies
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://gimm.pt/lab/ana-espada-de-sousa-lab/
Vera Martins
1. PI name: Vera Martins
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: vera.martins@gimm.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Lymphocyte Development and Leukemogenesis, Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine
5. KEYWORDS: Leukemia, Thymus, T cell development, IL-7
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://www.vmartinslab.com/
Marc Veldhoen
1. PI name: Marc Veldhoen
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: marc.veldhoen@medicina.ulisboa.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Immune Regulation, GULBENKIAN INSTITUTE FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE (GIMM)
5. KEYWORDS: Immunity to infection, Autoimmunity, T cell activation, T cell differentiation
6. LINK to lab webpage:https://gimm.pt/lab/marc-veldhoen-lab/
Bruno Silva-Santos
1. PI name: Bruno Silva-Santos
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: bssantos@medicina.ulisboa.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Immuno-Oncology, GULBENKIAN INSTITUTE FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE (GIMM)
5. KEYWORDS: Tumor immunology; Gamma-delta T cells: T cell differentiation; Cancer immunotherapy
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://gimm.pt/lab/ribot-silva-santos-lab/
Julie Ribot
1. PI name: Julie Ribot
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: jribot@medicina.ulisboa.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Neuro-Immunology, GULBENKIAN INSTITUTE FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE (GIMM)
5. KEYWORDS: Pathophysiology; Tissue Homeostasis; Behaviour; IL-17
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://gimm.pt/lab/ribot-silva-santos-lab/
Henrique Veiga-Fernandes
1. PI name: Henrique Veiga-Fernandes
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: henrique.veigafernandes@research.fchampalimaud.org
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Immunophysioloy Laboratory. Champalimaud Foundation
5. KEYWORDS: Physiology; Neuroimmunology; Mucosal Immunology
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://fchampalimaud.org/research/groups/veiga-fernandes
Klaas van Gisbergen
1. PI name: Klaas van Gisbergen
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: klaas.vangisbergen@research.fchampalimaud.org
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Tissue Immunity Lab, Champalimaud Foundation
5. KEYWORDS: Tumor immunology, Immunity to infection, T cell differentiation
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://fchampalimaud.org/research/groups/van-gisbergen
Luis Graça
1. PI name: Luis Graça
2. Contact person (if not the PI): Ana Tavares
3. Contact e-mail: imunologia@medicina.ulisboa.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Lymphocyte Regulation, GULBENKIAN INSTITUTE FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE (GIMM)
5. KEYWORDS: Autoimmunity, Vaccination, Immune regulation, Germinal Centre
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://gimm.pt/lab/luis-graca-lab/
Carlos Minutti
1. PI name: Carlos Minutti
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: carlos.minutti@research.fchampalimaud.org
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Immunoregulation, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown
5. KEYWORDS: Immunity to infection, Immune cell development, tissue microenvironment, myeloid cells
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://fchampalimaud.org/research/groups/minutti
Ana Luísa Correia
1. PI name: Ana Luísa Correia
2. Contact person (if not the PI): Jennifer Mmurray (jennifer.murray@research.fchampalimaud.org)
3. Contact e-mail: analuisa.correia@research.fchampalimaud.org
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Cancer Dormancy &
Immunity Lab, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown
5. KEYWORDS: Cancer Immunology; Metastasis; Microenvironment; Tissue Immunity
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://correialab.com/
Miguel Parreira Soares
1. PI name: Miguel Parreira Soares
2. Contact person (if not the PI): Sofia Rebelo (sofiarebelo@igc.gulbenkian.pt)
3. Contact e-mail: mpsoares@igc.gulbenkian.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Inflammation, GULBENKIAN INSTITUTE FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE (GIMM)
5. KEYWORDS: Inflammation, Disease Tolerance, Stress response, Malaria
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://gimm.pt/lab/miguel-soares-lab/
Maria Mota
1. PI name: Maria Mota
2. Contact person (if not the PI): Sofia Marques (Lab Manager); Ângelo Ferreira Chora (Senior Researcher)
3. Contact e-mail: smarques@medicina.ulisboa.pt ; achora@medicina.ulisboa.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Biology & Physiology of Malaria, Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine (GIMM)
5. KEYWORDS: Host-Parasite Interactions; Malaria; Liver Stage of Infection; Plasmodium
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://gimm.pt/lab/maria-mota-lab/
João Lacerda
1. PI name: João Lacerda
2. Contact person (if not the PI): Maria Soares
3. Contact e-mail: msoares@medicina.ulisboa.pt ; jlacerda@medicina.ulisboa.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Hematology and Transplantation Immunology, GULBENKIAN INSTITUTE FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE (GIMM)
5. KEYWORDS: Transplantation Immunology; Graft versus Host Disease; Immune Reconstitution; Cell Therapies; Regulatory T cells; CAR-T cells
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://gimm.pt/lab/joao-lacerda-lab/
João T. Barata
1. PI name: João T. Barata
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: joao_barata@medicina.ulisboa.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Signaling in Cancer, GULBENKIAN INSTITUTE FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE (GIMM)
5. KEYWORDS: Lymphoid leukemia; Signaling in lymphoid cells; Cancer immunology
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://gimm.pt/lab/joao-barata-lab/
Joana Neves & Pedro Sousa Victor
1. PI name: Joana Neves & Pedro Sousa Victor
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: joana.neves@medicina.ulisboa.pt; psvictor@medicina.ulisboa.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Aging & Tissue Repair Lab, GULBENKIAN INSTITUTE FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE (GIMM)
5. KEYWORDS: Immune aging, Immune regulation of regeneration; Immune-stem cell interations
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://gimm.pt/lab/neves-sousa-victor-lab/
Miguel Prudêncio
1. PI name: Miguel Prudêncio
2. Contact person (if not the PI): Helena Nunes Cabaço
3. Contact e-mail: helena.cabaco@gimm.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Plasmodium Infection & Anti-malarial Interventions, GULBENKIAN INSTITUTE FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE (GIMM)
5. KEYWORDS: Immunity to Infection and Co-infection; Malaria; Vaccines; Drug-associated immunomodulation.
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://gimm.pt/lab/miguel-prudencio-lab/
Karine Serre
1. PI name: Karine Serre
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: karineserre@medicina.ulisboa.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Advanced Breast Cancer Translational Laboratory, GULBENKIAN INSTITUTE FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE (GIMM)
5. KEYWORDS: Cancer immunity, myeloid cells, anti-tumor macrophages, microbiota in cancer
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://gimm.pt/our-work/care/#translational_research_lines
Helena Soares
1. PI name: Helena Soares
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: helena.soares@nms.unl.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Human Immunobiology and Pathogenesis Lab; Faculdade de Ciências Médicas | Nova Medical Schoool, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
5. KEYWORDS: Human Translational Immunology; Tissue-specific immunity; Sex-bias in immune responses
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://www.nms.unl.pt/en-us/research/research-groups/research-group/n/imunobiologia-e-patogenese-humana
Luís Teixeira
1. PI name: Luís Teixeira
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: luteixeira@ucp.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Host-Microbe interactions, Católica Biomedical Research Centre, Medical School, Universidade Católica Portuguesa
5. KEYWORDS: Host-microbe interactions, symbiosis, Innate Immunity, Drosophila
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://cbr.fm.ucp.pt/en/node/7100
Maria de Guadalupe Cabral
1. PI name: Maria de Guadalupe Cabral
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: guadalupe.cabral@nms.unl.com
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Translational Tumor Immunology at NOVA Medical School
5. KEYWORDS: Cancer Immunology, Breast Cancer, Biomarkers, Neutrophils
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://nms.unl.pt/en-us/research/research-groups/research-group/n/translational-tumor-immunology
Gabriela Santos-Gomes
1. PI name: Gabriela Santos-Gomes
2. Contact person (if not the PI): Armanda Rodrigues
3. Contact e-mail: santosgomes@ihmt.unl.pt; armanda.rodrigues@ihmt.unl.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Grupo de Imunologia
Parasitária e Vacinas, Global Health and Tropical Medicine, GHTM, Associate Laboratory in Translation and Innovation Towards Global Health, LA-REAL, Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, IHMT, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
5. KEYWORDS: Host-parasite interaction; Host immunomodulation; Tropical neglected diseases
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://ghtm.ihmt.unl.pt/profiles/gabriela-santos-gomes/
Margarida Saraiva
1. PI name: Margarida Saraiva
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: margarida.saraiva@i3s.up.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Immune Regulation, i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto
5. KEYWORDS: Immunity to infection; innate immunity; tuberculosis; cytokines
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://www.i3s.up.pt/research-group.php?groupid=108
Nuno Alves
1. PI name: Nuno Alves
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: nalves@i3s.up.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Lymphocyte Development and Function, i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto
5. KEYWORDS: Developmental Immunology, Immunodeficiency and Autoimmunity, Thymus, T cells
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://www.i3s.up.pt/research-group.php?groupid=48
Salomé Pinho
1. PI name: Salomé Pinho
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: salomep@i3s.up.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Immunology, Cancer & GlycoMedicine group; i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto
5. KEYWORDS: Immunology, Cancer, Glycobiology, GlycoImmunology
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://pinholab.i3s.up.pt/
Nuno Rodrigues dos Santos
1. PI name: Nuno Rodrigues dos Santos
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: nunos@i3s.up.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Intercellular Communication and Cancer, i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto
5. KEYWORDS: Cancer Immunology, Lymphoma, Leukemia, Cell Signaling
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://sites.google.com/site/nunordossantos/
Salomé Gomes
1. PI name: Salomé Gomes
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: sgomes@i3s.up.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Host Targets of Infection (HoTI) at i3S-Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto
5. KEYWORDS: Immunity to infection, Iron, Mycobacteria, Macrophages
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://www.i3s.up.pt/research-group.php?groupid=191
Maria José Oliveira
1. PI name: Maria José Oliveira
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: mariajo@i3s.up.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Tumor and Microenvironment Interactions Group, i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto
5. KEYWORDS: Cancer Immunology, Tumor Microenvironment, Macrophages, T cells
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://www.i3s.up.pt/research-group.php?groupid=111
Alexandre Carmo
1. PI name: Alexandre Carmo
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: acarmo@i3s.up.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Cell Activation & Gene Expression, i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto
5. KEYWORDS: Adaptive immunity; Inflammation; T cell activation; Gene expression
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://www.i3s.up.pt/research-group.php?groupid=10
Manuel Vilanova
1. PI name: Manuel Vilanova
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: vilanova@icbas.up.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Immunobiology group
i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto
5. KEYWORDS: Infection & Immunity; Human neonatal infection; Vaccination; Veterinary Immunology
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://www.i3s.up.pt/research-group.php?groupid=27
Pedro Moura Alves
1. PI name: Pedro Moura Alves
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: pmouraalves@i3s.up.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Immune Sensing & Signaling Dynamics, i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto
5. KEYWORDS: Immunity to Infection; Innate Immunity; Host-Microbe interactions; Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://www.i3s.up.pt/research-group.php?groupid=202
Elva Bonifácio Andrade
1. PI name: Elva Bonifácio Andrade
2. Contact person (if not the PI): –
3. Contact e-mail: elva.andrade@ibmc.up.pt
4. Research group name and Research Institute: Immunobiology / i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto
5. KEYWORDS: Immunity to infection; neuroimmunology; neonatal immunity; meningeal immunity
6. LINK to lab webpage: https://www.i3s.up.pt/personal-info.php?id=475&idg=27